Friday, August 13, 2010


You brought a smile on my face.
Your silence crawled down my throat,
Making every cells ache.
Always my wishes were that you be happy,
Wherever the wind of life has taken you.
Thoughts of yours, lighted
Even the darkest of the dungeons in me.
And then I celebrated everyday,

Every moment.

I found a new horizon to gaze at,
A new hope.
My dear, it were you.......

muSICKally yours,

Monday, June 21, 2010



“What is passion? How am I to know what my passion is? Why should I know my passion? Should I respect my passion?”

These are just some of the most difficult questions I’ve faced. These questions have invaded and ruled my mind. I’d an answer but it cried for help drowning in the thoughts of money making. I, though late, had helped the answer to life. And thus I’m muSICK.

I was planning to post something that I felt would change a flawed system. Had lots of thoughts pouring in until I sat in front of a paper holding a pen. I was stuck. I just could go a distance of 3 paragraphs and then found many ways to divert and knocked at Mr. Intorpidire’s . I knew he would help me if he’s alive.

He had his say. Write about something like this, ‘the call of the heart being unanswered’. In the sense, Mr. muSICK is muSICK and he’s planning to pursue higher in Engineering.

Mr. Intorpiodire is really against capitalism, industrialization, globalization, imperialism, neo-colonialism, post world war economy, Zionism, fascism, Nazism and… in short, the present social wounds. And now he’s working for a capitalist MNC. (Guess what? I too am against all these. Intorpidireji, kshamapan)

Mr. Neo, from the bottom of his heart wishes to be the most read author in India…. no the world and he’s ended up working for another IT firm.

Miss. RT so badly wanted to be a pilot and she’s now an Engineer. Reason, she’s a girl.

Who are we to blame? We blame fate, our environment, our parents, teachers, the society and never ourselves for being in a place we ought not to be.

A certain percentage of the whole blame, I believe has to come to our logical brain.

Come back. What is passion? Even if the whole humanity tries to define it, it remains incomplete. It’s something more than words. Man has always explained it in actions.

I’m just trying to give some hints to this question. This is the essence of this post, and I’m afraid I’m not perfect at speaking about this magic.

1. It’s something I would be proud to list among my achievements.

2. It’s something I would always try doing to find what we truly call happiness.

3. It’s something I always wish to do to find pleasure in.

4. ………….

5. ……….

Passion is what our souls call for. You never sacrifice love for money if you have found passion.

Ask anyone about their passion. I bet, a major percentage will not answer it immediately. Why? The sad reason is that none has even thought of it. I call them the Money-blinded. This generation (today’s youth) is mostly of this type.

Let’s see how.

Industrialization is good, Right? Seeing all these glamour it has brought, who can blame it to be bad?

Industrialization is the tongue of capitalism that taught men a lie. The lie is that ‘we’re to make money, more money and much more money’.

Here’s the trouble. Money-blinded society cannot be convinced about passion. Glamour seduced society would not understand the true spirit of mankind. We the industrialists are working hard on newer methods to cheaply exploit anything we see. We’ve exploited everything out of the bosom of Mother Nature for money. How sad. We’re in fact selling her out for money!

We claim that the productivity of the world is at its peak and all those stuffs. Are we not ourselves ridiculing? We are criminals. We’ve committed a major crime. We’ve prevented the world from realizing its true productivity. Productivity not in terms of money we made. But, in terms of love we cultivated, pleasure we had. Is it not the true productivity?

Money cannot find love, but passion does. I recall my favorite quote of my favorite author Kahlil Gibran. “Work is love made visible.” Are we making our love visible through what is called Money making?

A guy doing a job which has his passion as an ingredient can never be imagined saying things like this, “Oh, No! I got work today too”. But this is what we hear so much. Such people are tired and fed up with their job. Do you not se the reluctance in such questions?

This is how the cliché is. To work means to finish off all of our God-blessed energy.

Ask anyone who has found their passion as their way of making a living, to say things plainly. They never are fed up of what they do. They are always creative. Creativity is a gift for those who find their passion.

Love to the Nature and not exploitation can help her love us. And Passion can only save the world and its inhabitants. AWAKE, MONEY TAKES US TO HELL.

-----I would like to discuss so much on this topic. So please feel free to comment-----

muSICKally yours,


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I’ll miss you..

This is something more than an exaggeration. This is not a post to show my blog is not deserted. This is indeed a deserted blog depicting a deserted, barren mind. Oh! my oasis, love, I’m craving for you.
Ever since I’ve started enjoying the aesthetic sense of God, this specific tree that I’m going to talk about , has charmed me. As very unusual, this tree had not so many branches, not even leaves. She stood one of a kind among other classic trees an plants. In a sense she never provided shade to any traveler.
I even now am confused about what it actually symbolized.
She hadn’t any leaves - poverty?
She never seemed providing shade to anyone – misery? arrogance?
But her presence among others meant loneliness. It also meant her specialty.
The photographer in me, in these four years have always wished to capture the blue sky and the greenery on to the film with this beautiful tree and the bliss of her presence. I felt like she really possessed something divine to contain this beauty.
Whenever the bus passes by, I always look at her and I would say, “One day, I’ll get you pictured”.
My laziness and silly excuses to walk back to my hostel made me postpone my plans to get down at the location and get the beautiful snapshot.
This had two effects. I never pictured her and my love for her increased.
I’ve expressed my love towards this tree to many of my friends.
My last days at college always urged me to picture her. But I never did. I’d not added this tree and charm to the folder in my hard disk, which contains all my seductions to nature.
So this time, the last time I visit my college being a student, I was determined to do it.
Sitting in the bus, waiting for the place where she stood to arrive, I started from Adoor to Manakkala metro.
The right location is called Kanan Nagar. As soon as the bus reached this place, against all my expectations, I saw her Lay on the ground naked, dead in the emptiness of human thoughts. She was brutally raped. She raised many questions which went unheard.
She had been cut down by …………
I wasn’t sad, nor were I happy. I hadn’t the feeling of failure. This time, as my friend INTORPIDIRE says, I was numb.
If I’d pictured her on first sight, I would surely have forgotten her then and there. I would just praise the picture and time will erase her out of my memory.
My longing to picture her has made me love her so much, and this incident has made me miss her so much….
The tree was very special…. I miss you…

Saturday, March 20, 2010


It is science which proves and conquers most of the minds. And it is the mind where questions are manufactured. Science pretends to solve most of our problems. Science says man was born as a byproduct of a great process known as evolution. Evolution goes on, it’s a continuous process and we are just a byproduct; Homo sapien.

I got a correction. Man was born out of rEvolution.

Our biological ancestors [whoever it be] revolted against bad environmental conditions (constitutes a vague 77% to the cause). Many lost their existence. The ones left lived a life called Homo sapiens.

Though many of our ancestors could not stand adverse conditions, they never stopped melting metal to continue the chain of revolution. They had the hope. Rather, they only had hope. The hope drove them and now we are here.

We are born to revolt because it is in our blood. But the question that is manufactured next is “against what?” Our approach has become so mean that we use the word ‘against’ after revolt. We forget that we also are revolting ‘for’ the hope.

Are we supposed to revolt only against bad environment? Are we to keep mum against something wrong that does not come under our kingdoms?

In my humble opinion, revolt starts from ourselves and then on it is our selfless selves that carry the spirit.

We are to revolt against any flawed system, be it our minds, family, community or country or anything that influences social life. Once a system is flawed, it definitely is to change. None can actually prevent it. Yes! It is change that comes. It is evolution that affects.

If there weren’t any revolutions in history, humankind would soon have been history, with none to praise.

Any development, be it mental or material, is not mere development. It is development cooked in a revolutionary cuisine. It is the flag of success over the corpse of some negatives that once controlled the world.

Consider inventions. They are revolutions over our own disabilities.

Consider art. It is revolution over alphabets in spreading ideas. Music could connect souls.

Whatever aspects that pop-up in our minds have somehow got something to do with revolution.

And revolution isn’t about winning; it’s about not losing the hope. Revolutions in history are mostly accomplished in peace. [Wait! Don’t come up with a list having French revolution and the ilk]. Most are unrecorded revolutions in history.

Bloodshed may be chosen as the last of the options for revolutions. If blood is shed, someone will surely be born out of it to compensate it. And it will ultimately lead to…. No… It won’t lead us anywhere.

So people, revolt… for, it’s what we’re born for. It’s how we evolved.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Some are your friends,
Some are the friends of your wealth,
Some are the friends of your fame,
Beware, some befriend you for your beauty and glamor.
And wealth, fame nor beauty stays forever.
It's only you who is forever carved in the heart of the time.
And your friends will always be with you.

Monday, March 1, 2010

A funny train trip!!

Let this be funny. I had a really bad train trip last night. It goes this way.

I decided to catch Malabar express. It is scheduled to arrive at 12:03 am. But, from the thought of not disturbing anyone else, I left as early as 10:30 am (the previous day).

I walked along the platform in order to find my girl. I could not. So I thought of getting seated somewhere and read ‘The Prophet’ for the third time. When I walked towards the rest room, I saw a girl sitting with her Mom. Yes she’s the one. I said to myself, though she was short.

I tried listening to what they said. They were anxious about the upcoming journey. It smelled like she was going to be alone. I thought of somehow helping them and getting impressed. I am very poor in this aspect. I did nothing. They boarded another train in the opposite direction of my go and I lost the whole interest in the journey.

Next was the waiting for my train to come. The train arrived 30 minutes late. The train was beautifully crowded and had no space to place my legs. I struggled hard and obtained a small space to stand. It was near the door.

Standing in a heavily crowded train, people quarrel for silly reasons. First I believed that the people are cultureless to do this. Now I understand, it’s not the people but the position they occupy in such a crowd that determines what they speak. It’s just fate that they happened to be there. Even if it were me, I would have spoken the very same.

I couldn’t stand it long. How can a person stand on one leg for 7 hours, also in the night? So I got in to the sleeper class compartment and started my search for a berth. Got none. So I sat on a berth where a man was already sleeping, at his mercy.

When the TTR came for checking the ticket, I just told him about the crowd in the general compartment. So I stood there at the door. Then a man came and told me, some of his friends had got down at some stations and they all had their tickets up to a station yet to come. He told me it’ll be okay to use one of their tickets.

I accepted the favor. I thanked him. But the rest of my journey was just meant for escaping from a gay. This man had started acting weirdly. He had his hand on my knees. I covered my sensitive area with the carry case of my laptop. I escaped this once by saying that I wanted to wash my face. I went denied of my sleep just to prevent anything and everything I feared.

So I was sleepless that night. When I reached my station I got down and walked to the bus station. I saw a bus there with a destination board saying “Trivandrum FP”. I boarded the bus. I took a very comfortable seat. Many buses passed by. I wasn’t bothered since I had a seat. When the driver came in, he asked me of my destination and replayed mercilessly that, the bus was meant to take another route. So I got down and just saw another bus approaching. The other bus left.

When the door was open I saw some seats and just thought of getting in when I’d a rethought and I ran to the station master. I said to him “Sir, I lost my luggage!” He said, “Oh! You went careless about your luggage, listening to music” I had no words. I just have lost a luggage containing many of my valuables. He asked me the details of the bus and excavated a phone number. I offered my phone. He made two calls. But none picked. So he gave me the phone back. When taking the phone back, I adjusted the strap on my shoulder, which was about to fall. I looked at it, and then had surprisingly recognized the lost luggage hung on my shoulder!!!

Escape!! I had to escape. I needed excuses. How can I say that, “Oops, I’m so sorry about this Sir, last night’s sleeplessness has caused this”? That will really be bad. So I just said, “Sir, It’s alright, the luggage has only some clothes and eatables. I’ll try coming in the evening to collect the luggage. It’s a cover with ’LuLu center’ printed on it. And I as though feeling so down for the loss got out of the station master’s office.

I then with a guilt feeling boarded the bus for adoor.

Yaawwnnn!!! Sleepy+ headache.!!!

muSICKal v.2

Moonlit evening

This picture is a combined work of Abhilash (Chulli) and I. He drew everything on the board except the moon. The picture was awesome. So I photographed it, orienting the flash to the place of moon. And the photograph in-effect looked this way. Lovers enjoying the moon, sitting under the tree. Imagine them to be sitting on a river bank. How romantic will it be?


Thursday, February 25, 2010


From here onwards, I would like to take my coat of desperation off me and do something inspirational. I’m just experimenting this. I was told by my friend, a very good friend that I must do something motivational to the world.

But how can I forget the moon, which also rises and sets, when sun is only praised for its setting beauty? None actually looks at the moon. Everyone praises the sun. So I promise to keep my heart open for the moon. I’ll speak for the moon. I’ll speak for those ignored. I’ll speak for those who suffer.

Yes, Inspirational and motivational. I’ve to inspire you, which I don’t think I can be successful in. Let my ideas which can never be different from any good people on earth, inspire everyone of us including me. Let this start with relationships, because without one, we cannot survive.
To start a relationship you must talk. To maintain one, you must talk. And to end one, you must talk. Remember, not to let silence talk.

Prejudice is the one who determines the depth of a relationship. Don’t let that happen. Let us decide the depth of our relationships. Prejudice, good or bad is always bad.
Show your heart open before the relationship is made, so that she/he doesn’t need to ask for it.
Unconditional love: It’ll be amazing and addictive if we practice this. This is that kind of love in which none expects anything. Just the love (the Divine River which flows from soul to soul and reaches God) flows itself. What we need to do is to ease the flow by removing the obstacles. And then let love alone speak.

[A special kind of relationship that I always would like to discuss and still I’m left with doubt is the kind of love appearing as a question. I still am confused with this love and infatuation. I still do not know if it is conditional or unconditional. I still do not understand. May be, one day I will, and then think of sharing it with you all]

If we know about starting and maintaining relationships, we will soon learn about other aspects of life. And we will surely be the most successful persons. But we should remember not to turn the page, in which comes the chapter of breaking relationships. If we see it, we will read it. If we happen to read it, we will intuitively accept it. And we will embrace it. Rather, it will embrace us and we will have only one thing in our vast heart, sand dunes of selfish and egoistic feelings. It will be desert where, we can only hope for an oasis.

So I would like you to keep a good relationship with the world, which includes them, you and I, whom we will call as ‘we’.

Relationships will only help us build relationship with our inner self. Good relationship is life.
Go out, enjoy the beauty of Nature. She will be the best relationship you can ever make. And then live a life, which is alive.

muSICKal v.2

Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm a 'hard-luck' engineer... Am I?

[this post was actually made for forum]

I'm an ECE student from kerala. Our college is affiliated to CUSAT. We'd Infosys placement drive here. But I could not appear for the drive as I've got 5 active backlogs.

Wait, Don't blame me alone... I'd had enough. It's not my mistake alone. I study some days before the exam. all study as though they wanna be all-pass. I study as if I'm gonna be a great engineer who will need all these stuff in my work, and so I try understanding them. But when the result is out, I lose the game. I dunno other ways of learning, or may be my consciousness is not bothered to learn it for exams alone.

However, I admit that I've made mistake in choosing the time of learning. I must have studied before itself.

the second thing I doubt with proof is that the paper correction at CUSAT is based on the number of pages used. My next confession is I've never used an additional sheet in my entire engineering life, because I never needed them to express what they actually demanded through the question paper. I know lot more than people scoring more marks than me, I'm confident.
My essays won't be too long, but they'll have everything that is needed to come to the answer. After all I'm not studying for BA English literature. I'm studying Engineering. Still fate is different.

I remember times when I would call home saying so much confidently to my Mom that I'm going to be all-pass. But 5 semester exams, revaluation results and supplementary exam results have taught me, what it really means by engineering.

Ah.. quality of engineering.... I'm concerned.

A teacher never does the duty of teacher but dictator. Teachers do not possess the ability to imprint the contained idea in to the hungry minds. How can the quality of engineering be better?

I know people who are extremely intelligent who got stuck due to this flawed system. They've got better IQ and aptitude than anyone else around. Still fate is this weird.

I write this post, just because someone has to do this.

Can we people get a job? Is there any company which accepts these people? Is there any company which believes in the truth that success comes hand in hand with risks?


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Placement drive and I.

Heard it one day from our placement officer.

I said to myself, "yes, I can go home". Running away from the war-front was the first thing that came to my mind. But, I was given a responsibility. I tried hard to get rid of it. I had umpteen excuses.

Had to meet my girl friend (fictitious). Had sinusitis. Had asthma. Had listed out all inconveniences.
I was told to make up my mind. Could not.

But, when responsibility knocks, it comes with risk. Accept it as it's going to be good. read it somewhere in a philosophy book. I accepted it.

"Labeeb, you've got an opportunity. Do it. prove yourself." "yes, yes I'll do it. relax."
[I to myself].

I solved it this way. I split my personality in to 5 different angles of thought.

The willing me said, "Do it, whatever!!!".
The desperate me told, "you don't get any placement. You don't get anything good. you suck".
The hopeful me told, "These people get placed, and so the probability of me getting a job increases". Wait, wait, I can explain it. These people getting a job, won't come to compete with me when I'm in search of a job. Kewl, right?
Yes, Of course, the selfish giant in me commented, "You are an ..........., you don't understand. Why should you go for something, out of which you get absolutely nothing? Then why? Others get a job. What do you get?"
I confess, this me is that, which has dominated almost always in my life.
The social servant in me spoke at last. In a feeble voice, suffering from bad cold,and cough. Do it for others. You get God's blessings. They will silently pray for you. Other MEs suppressed this ME in me. He was still silent.

My consciousness tried its best in enlivening this ME. And to be frank, friendship and love has won over every MEs. Yes, he's back.

I was one of the happiest persons last day. When the drive was over, appreciation fell all over us. even our own college-mates appreciated (the rarest thing to happen in the college).

All are almost happy. Praises make us happy. And once again, the college, my alma mater, runs back to its original track. forgetting all these, and waiting for some miracles to happen.


Saturday, February 6, 2010


That feeling which always confuses me...

That feeling....

I always find it hard to name it.

I always get stuck between two words.

The words are obviously “love and infatuation”.

They say, infatuation isn’t serious enough to be love.

I anyway googled it to become more confused.

I confess I was never in love, rather I was infatuated.

The nearness of the one, who infatuated me,

Made my heart to compose new music.

Changed the tempo of my heartbeat.

Sometimes the tones went out of the octave.

Still I was never in love.

And to everyone, I say you can only,

Fall in love, with one and once alone.

When? May not we know.

I wish I could be in love with the one.

And then learn to differentiate between the words.

That confuses everyone who possess,

An inexhaustible vessel of love,

As I do.

As I do.....