Thursday, February 25, 2010


From here onwards, I would like to take my coat of desperation off me and do something inspirational. I’m just experimenting this. I was told by my friend, a very good friend that I must do something motivational to the world.

But how can I forget the moon, which also rises and sets, when sun is only praised for its setting beauty? None actually looks at the moon. Everyone praises the sun. So I promise to keep my heart open for the moon. I’ll speak for the moon. I’ll speak for those ignored. I’ll speak for those who suffer.

Yes, Inspirational and motivational. I’ve to inspire you, which I don’t think I can be successful in. Let my ideas which can never be different from any good people on earth, inspire everyone of us including me. Let this start with relationships, because without one, we cannot survive.
To start a relationship you must talk. To maintain one, you must talk. And to end one, you must talk. Remember, not to let silence talk.

Prejudice is the one who determines the depth of a relationship. Don’t let that happen. Let us decide the depth of our relationships. Prejudice, good or bad is always bad.
Show your heart open before the relationship is made, so that she/he doesn’t need to ask for it.
Unconditional love: It’ll be amazing and addictive if we practice this. This is that kind of love in which none expects anything. Just the love (the Divine River which flows from soul to soul and reaches God) flows itself. What we need to do is to ease the flow by removing the obstacles. And then let love alone speak.

[A special kind of relationship that I always would like to discuss and still I’m left with doubt is the kind of love appearing as a question. I still am confused with this love and infatuation. I still do not know if it is conditional or unconditional. I still do not understand. May be, one day I will, and then think of sharing it with you all]

If we know about starting and maintaining relationships, we will soon learn about other aspects of life. And we will surely be the most successful persons. But we should remember not to turn the page, in which comes the chapter of breaking relationships. If we see it, we will read it. If we happen to read it, we will intuitively accept it. And we will embrace it. Rather, it will embrace us and we will have only one thing in our vast heart, sand dunes of selfish and egoistic feelings. It will be desert where, we can only hope for an oasis.

So I would like you to keep a good relationship with the world, which includes them, you and I, whom we will call as ‘we’.

Relationships will only help us build relationship with our inner self. Good relationship is life.
Go out, enjoy the beauty of Nature. She will be the best relationship you can ever make. And then live a life, which is alive.

muSICKal v.2

Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm a 'hard-luck' engineer... Am I?

[this post was actually made for forum]

I'm an ECE student from kerala. Our college is affiliated to CUSAT. We'd Infosys placement drive here. But I could not appear for the drive as I've got 5 active backlogs.

Wait, Don't blame me alone... I'd had enough. It's not my mistake alone. I study some days before the exam. all study as though they wanna be all-pass. I study as if I'm gonna be a great engineer who will need all these stuff in my work, and so I try understanding them. But when the result is out, I lose the game. I dunno other ways of learning, or may be my consciousness is not bothered to learn it for exams alone.

However, I admit that I've made mistake in choosing the time of learning. I must have studied before itself.

the second thing I doubt with proof is that the paper correction at CUSAT is based on the number of pages used. My next confession is I've never used an additional sheet in my entire engineering life, because I never needed them to express what they actually demanded through the question paper. I know lot more than people scoring more marks than me, I'm confident.
My essays won't be too long, but they'll have everything that is needed to come to the answer. After all I'm not studying for BA English literature. I'm studying Engineering. Still fate is different.

I remember times when I would call home saying so much confidently to my Mom that I'm going to be all-pass. But 5 semester exams, revaluation results and supplementary exam results have taught me, what it really means by engineering.

Ah.. quality of engineering.... I'm concerned.

A teacher never does the duty of teacher but dictator. Teachers do not possess the ability to imprint the contained idea in to the hungry minds. How can the quality of engineering be better?

I know people who are extremely intelligent who got stuck due to this flawed system. They've got better IQ and aptitude than anyone else around. Still fate is this weird.

I write this post, just because someone has to do this.

Can we people get a job? Is there any company which accepts these people? Is there any company which believes in the truth that success comes hand in hand with risks?


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Placement drive and I.

Heard it one day from our placement officer.

I said to myself, "yes, I can go home". Running away from the war-front was the first thing that came to my mind. But, I was given a responsibility. I tried hard to get rid of it. I had umpteen excuses.

Had to meet my girl friend (fictitious). Had sinusitis. Had asthma. Had listed out all inconveniences.
I was told to make up my mind. Could not.

But, when responsibility knocks, it comes with risk. Accept it as it's going to be good. read it somewhere in a philosophy book. I accepted it.

"Labeeb, you've got an opportunity. Do it. prove yourself." "yes, yes I'll do it. relax."
[I to myself].

I solved it this way. I split my personality in to 5 different angles of thought.

The willing me said, "Do it, whatever!!!".
The desperate me told, "you don't get any placement. You don't get anything good. you suck".
The hopeful me told, "These people get placed, and so the probability of me getting a job increases". Wait, wait, I can explain it. These people getting a job, won't come to compete with me when I'm in search of a job. Kewl, right?
Yes, Of course, the selfish giant in me commented, "You are an ..........., you don't understand. Why should you go for something, out of which you get absolutely nothing? Then why? Others get a job. What do you get?"
I confess, this me is that, which has dominated almost always in my life.
The social servant in me spoke at last. In a feeble voice, suffering from bad cold,and cough. Do it for others. You get God's blessings. They will silently pray for you. Other MEs suppressed this ME in me. He was still silent.

My consciousness tried its best in enlivening this ME. And to be frank, friendship and love has won over every MEs. Yes, he's back.

I was one of the happiest persons last day. When the drive was over, appreciation fell all over us. even our own college-mates appreciated (the rarest thing to happen in the college).

All are almost happy. Praises make us happy. And once again, the college, my alma mater, runs back to its original track. forgetting all these, and waiting for some miracles to happen.


Saturday, February 6, 2010


That feeling which always confuses me...

That feeling....

I always find it hard to name it.

I always get stuck between two words.

The words are obviously “love and infatuation”.

They say, infatuation isn’t serious enough to be love.

I anyway googled it to become more confused.

I confess I was never in love, rather I was infatuated.

The nearness of the one, who infatuated me,

Made my heart to compose new music.

Changed the tempo of my heartbeat.

Sometimes the tones went out of the octave.

Still I was never in love.

And to everyone, I say you can only,

Fall in love, with one and once alone.

When? May not we know.

I wish I could be in love with the one.

And then learn to differentiate between the words.

That confuses everyone who possess,

An inexhaustible vessel of love,

As I do.

As I do.....

Let's wipe away some of the tears.

Yes, we must.

Had a sad and disturbing experience, today at our college.

It went this way.
She had been sweeping the first floor. I went to her and when she saw me, she smiled as she usually does.
I smiled back and asked her to pray for me. She assured me she'll. I was happy and was about to leave as I was busy on CGPU duty.

She then somehow spoke more. I never wanted to listen to any sad stories. To be frank, I sometimes weep in my heart, listening to sad stories. And I feared I would.

She said, she'd two children who were totally paralyzed years ago. Her husband too has got some troubles of paralysis. From her talks I could make out that her children were struck with Polio virus.

Her home hasn't got a good toilet. She said, she'd to pull her children to get them to the toilet. Some of our college students had managed to get a wheel-chair for one of the children. The wheel-chair is damaged now. She'd not cooked anything at home on that day.

She sometimes wept saying these. I had only some words to console. I said. "ellam sariyakum". what else could I do?

She never forgot to mention some of the names who helped her with words, tears and money. Names who paid a visit to her (almost) home.

I found truth and power in her words. She was wonderfully optimistic. Though she suffered so much she always kept the best thing on her face, "smile".

I've never seen her complaining to anyone about her fate.

God, has given us so much that we waste it somehow. Our campus is so alive. We see many fights. All meant to show our dominance. All meant for nothing at last. Some say It is how a campus has to be. Is it?

Is destruction and hatred that is to be spread among the people who have the potential to change the world?
This is the age when you at least can expect the best to happen in this world. As you grow up, constrains crowd around you. And then you cannot even imagine a change.

So no fights and other craps in campus... Let's all be creative and constructive. why fight?
though, the campus burns not alone due to clashes, I hate them the most and so I mention it.]

Let's help this woman and other people who are suffering.
She's a woman, looking after her bedridden husband and children. Still she's hopeful. So why be we hopeless?

Let's bring about a change.... Yes, we must.

I've found some people to whom I spoke about this and all of them responded very much positively.

I welcome any opinion about fund raising for this cause.

mail me at :
speak to me: 09567613061

Everyone who reads this, please, please think on it.

For more detail, just write to me. You are not alone on this path. Let's go together.